Monday, April 21, 2014

7 Days Later...

 7 days later (spongebob narrator voice)

Hey yall!

So I totally did not realize that it has been 7 days since I have started this teatox journey. But as promised, I'm back to give my review of Tea By T's 14 Day Program

First and foremost the stats:

Starting weight - 130 pounds
Current weight - 128 pounds

I didn't measure my waist at the beginning of the teatox but it was 
28 inches at the start of my 90 day fitness journey

Currently - 27.5 inches (.5 inches lost)

Starting Pictures


I don't know if you all can see but I have tiny cuts slowly but surely trying to form. I'm not sure if this is being enhanced by the teatox but I'm excited to see what is going to happen over the next 7 days.

As for the TeaTox itself, where shall I begin? Lol no but really it really isn't that difficult. I enjoy having a cup of tea every morning with my meal and then every other night taking drinking a cup before bed. I did notice over the first few days that my stomach felt like it was in knots and I'm thanking the night time cleansing tea for that. Tea by T does offer a suggestion meal plan however I did not follow that. I made sure to drink plenty of water and eat as much veggies and protein as possible. I did try to avoid some of the things listed but I had a few bumps over the past 7 days due to lack of planning, work events and just LIFE in general. 

Energy wise, I'm always a very energetic person so I haven't really noticed a huge difference except for it is becoming much easier for me to wake up for my 5AM workouts. Also, I woke up super early over the weekend and I wasn't too happy about that lol. 

I have noticed a slight increase in my metabolism. I'm usually able to stretch my meals/snacks for about 2.5 to 3 hours but not with this teatox, my stomach makes it it's duty to let me know that 2 hours have passed and that I better feed it within the next 30 minutes. 


One thing I have noticed is that this teatox caused my period to come a whole week earlier and be even more stronger than usual. 

Secondly, when I consume foods that were listed on the do not eat list my body reacted instantly. It did not like what I was putting in it and immediately wanted to get rid of the waste. 

As for the laxative, it wasn't anything major. Just a normal bowel movement (TMI again so sorry). However, I did make the mistake of taking the first one too late before bed and was kind of irritated during my next 5AM workout session.

Since Easter was yesterday, I'm hoping to cleanse my system of all the bad but oh so good things that I consumed yesterday. I shall be back with my final review of this teatox.

Start sweating sweetheart,
Love Erricka

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