Monday, May 5, 2014

Skinny Teatox Initial Review

Grab a cup of tea, this is going to be a long one.

Hey y'all! Guess what time it is? Time to start my teatoxing again. Don't know what teatoxing is? 
Teatoxing is a 100% natural detox program that helps promote good health and weight loss. 

I previously did a write up on this company which can be found here.  As previously stated, I was excited to receive this teatox and test it out. Emma, the owner of the company is AMAZING!! I was expecting to receive a 14 day supply, however she surprised me and sent three 14 day supplies. Note: I was not paid for this review, this will be my honest opinion.  

Any who shall we get started? I had taken a break from my previous teatox and while I was still remaining active, I had a minor setback one day last week and consumed some ribs. Now, in my past life I was a HUGE lover of ribs...I mean I could eat a full rack of ribs all to myself and still be hungry. However, as of lately I've stayed away from any type of ribs and I see exactly why. I mean I was feeling the after effects of eating a half rack of ribs. It was also my sister's birthday weekend and I consumed two shots of alcohol so it was imperative that I get back on track. 

First and foremost, SkinntyTeatox's shipping was amazing even though the tea was coming from Canada. Secondly, the price point for the tea was also perfect and again Emma is such a sweetheart.

Starting Stats

Weight: 129.6 pounds
Waist: 27 inches

Note: I am not looking to lose weight with this teatox but rather get back on track with my clean eating.

I've been a tad bit bloated the past few days so I'm hoping this tea-tox will help counter the bloating. I started my day today with a cup of the loose leaf morning tea, which smelled divine. I was able to detect the cinnamon bark and the tea was very tasty and didn't need the addition of a sweetener. I was a bit skeptic to the fact that it was loose leaf tea, but Emma supplied me with 60 days worth of filters to use. (THANKS AGAIN <3) 

Tonight I will drink a cup of the evening tea which isn't loose but rather in a bag, just like store bought teas. According to the insert that I received, the evening tea will cause a mild laxative effect to naturally cleanse and detoxify your system. If taken in the evening, effect will likely occur the next morning. 

Skinny Teatox does list a few food suggestions:

Foods to eat plenty of: 
Beans and lentils
Brown rice
Unsalted nuts
Unsalted seeds
Natural yoghurt

Foods to avoid: 
Fatty meat like bacon, sausages, hamburgers, etc.
Cheese and cream
Butter, margarine, unhealthy oils
Bad carbs, like croissants, donuts, cronuts, biscuits, cakes, pie, pastry, etc.
Chocolate (dark small amounts of chocolate is okay)
Sodas that are high in sugar

I shall return in 7 days with an updated review of how things are going. Also, it Skinny Teatox has released a new Fat Free Chocolate Energy Teatox. Yes you read that correctly, fat free & chocolate all for 18.00!! I just placed my order and I'm excited to give this one a try as well. 

Start sweating sweetheart,
Love Erricka

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